So many kids (of all ages) have been touched in one way or another by divorce. My parents were divorced when I was a baby. I never knew how married couples behaved from close proximity.
Recently at a women's conference at my church I heard a phrase that really struck me, "You were chosen." Regardless of what your parents did or didn't do, regardless of what you look like or even how you feel about yourself - You were chosen! God chose you before you were born. I knew this, of course, but that night I really heard it.
Over the last few weeks, I have been trying to let that reality simmer into my bones. I say it aloud and write it down so that it will become part of my identity.
I felt led to share this reality to my 5th grade, Wednesday night bible study class as well. As I shared briefly my history and the importance of this short phrase, I looked into the faces of 15 boys and girls and saw tears in the eyes of two of those faces.
Divorce is a death in a family and one of the scars left by this death is the thought that somehow we are no longer important. That our lives are broken and not as valuable as before the divorce. Odd, isn't it? Just another way our enemy tries to keep us from victory.
This has further reinforced my passion to instill value and excellence into the kids I teach. "YOU ARE CHOSEN! I choose to be your dance/cheerleading/Sunday School/bible study teacher. I don't have to, I just want to. You are valuable. God formed you individually, and specifically for a purpose. Go for it! Try hard, do your best. Take chances - I'll be there to cheer you on!"